Attorney Profile: Q&A with Jonathan M. Scott

  1. Where were you born and what makes that city special?

I was born and raised in Missoula, Montana. Everything about Missoula is special. I love that I can fly-fish on the rivers in the summer and drive twenty minutes to the nearest ski hill in the winter.

  1. What activities or hobbies do you enjoy the most?

I enjoy going on adventures with my fiancé, Brooke, and our dog Sophie. I also love boating on the lake, spending time with my family, and trying new restaurants.

  1. What did you do prior to graduating law school?

I attended Gonzaga University where I received an MBA, and then worked as a financial analyst in Whitefish, MT.

  1. What inspired you to pursue the legal field?

My dad is an attorney, so I was always familiar with the profession—I grew up watching him practice and even went to work with him (dressed in a suit) as a kid. After my brother went to law school, I decided it was my turn to join the family profession.

  1. How long have you been a practicing attorney?

I have been an attorney for almost three years.

  1. Up to this point in your life, what is the achievement you are most proud of?

The achievement I am most proud of is getting my amazing fiancé, Brooke, to say yes to marrying me.

  1. How would you describe yourself as a person?

I would say I am an intellectually curious person and am always trying to learn about something new.

  1. What makes you feel accomplished?

I feel most accomplished when I spend time solving a complex problem and am able to see the results of my effort.

  1. If you could be any kind of animal, what would you be?

My dog, Sophie. She runs our house and has the best life.