Endava plc

DAVA NEWS: Johnson Fistel has Commenced an Investigation on Behalf of Endava plc Shareholders

Shareholder rights law firm Johnson Fistel, LLP is investigating whether Endava plc (NYSE: DAVA) (the “Company”) or any of its executive officers or others violated securities laws by misrepresenting or failing to timely disclose material, adverse information to investors. The investigation focuses on investors’ losses and whether they may be recovered under federal securities laws.

What if I purchased Endava securities? If you purchased securities and suffered significant losses on your investment, join our investigation now:

If you suffered a loss on your investment and would like to inquire about joining an action to recover your loss under the federal securities laws, please complete the form below. The information provided will be held in strict confidence unless and until you authorize us to disclose it.
Please list all of your stock purchases
Date purchased
Number of shares
Price per share
Please list all of your stock sales
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Or for more information, contact Jim Baker at jimb@johnsonfistel.com or (619) 814-4471

There is no cost or obligation to you.

What if I have relevant nonpublic information? Individuals with nonpublic information regarding the company should consider whether to assist our investigation or take advantage of the SEC Whistleblower program. Under the SEC program, whistleblowers who provide original information may, under certain circumstances, receive rewards totaling up to thirty percent of any successful recovery made by the SEC. For more information, contact Jim Baker at (619) 814-4471 or jimb@johnsonfistel.com.

About Johnson Fistel, LLP:
Johnson Fistel, LLP is a nationally recognized shareholder rights law firm with offices in California, New York, Georgia, and Colorado. The firm represents individual and institutional investors in shareholder derivative and securities class action lawsuits. For more information about the firm and its attorneys, please visit http://www.johnsonfistel.com.

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Johnson Fistel, LLP has paid for the dissemination of this promotional communication, and Frank J. Johnson is the attorney responsible for its content.
Johnson Fistel, LLP
501 W. Broadway, Suite 800, San Diego, CA 92101
James Baker, Investor Relations or Frank J. Johnson, Esq., (619) 814-4471
jimb@johnsonfistel.com or fjohnson@johnsonfistel.com